Thursday, April 30, 2009

Point It: Traveller's Language Kit

Point It: Traveller's Language Kit
Point It: Traveller's Language Kit by Dieter Graf enables you to travel anywhere in the world and communicate what you need and want without misunderstandings. With 1200photos generated from the author's own travels, this picture dictionary allows you to simply point to what you're after instead of trying to cross-reference the word and pronounce it. It's compact, light-weight, and full color.

Point It: Traveler's Language Kit from Useful Things.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Track Flights with Flight Arrivals

Flight Arrivals, one of the oldest flight arrival status sites on the web, updates information every four minutes, so you will always be able to find current information on arrivals, departures, delays, and schedule changes at 71 major airports all over the world. Search by flight number, city, airport code, airline, or time-frame to find the flight you're looking for. Flight Arrivals new Airport status also allows you to check the weather at an airport, and any delays associated with weather conditions.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Point It Book

Point it book
The Point it Book by Dieter Graf enables you to travel anywhere in the world and communicate what you need and want without misunderstandings. With 1200 photos generated from the author's own travels, this picture dictionary allows you to simply point to what you're after instead of trying to cross-reference the word and pronounce it. It's compact, light-weight, and full color.

Point It Book from Useful Things.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Travel Sewing Kit

travel sewing kit
This ultra small sewing kit is only 3/8" thick and includes 6 colors of thread, 3 needles, a needle threader, 3 buttons, and 2 button fasteners. It slips easily into any carry-on, purse, or briefcase, making it perfect for travelers. The Travel Sewing Kit is only $8.95 and comes in two colors--green and orange.

Travel Sewing Kit from Useful Things